發表於 2013-8-9 09:44:22
Noct is special... "Leica special".
50mm 1.4 is more a universal standard....
It is not about need, it is about wanting it. The image from Noct is special. I love all versions of Noct. 1.2, E58, V4, 0.95 are all unique. V2 I find less sharp than V3. They are all good. Other than 1.2, V2 is actually the rarest, not E58. Not many people aware.
E58 I believe is the signature of Noct. V4 is the most modern and digital friendly F/1 Noct. 0.95 is another animal and with the ASPH magic. 1.2 is a super Lux V1.
Now I only have a 1.2 and a 0.95. But I will add back a E58 someday when a good copy appear.